Category Archives: Parenting Plans

What is child support mediation?

What one student learned at our child support workshop…

A Parenting Schedule that “makes sense”.

Tips for making your parenting plan child-friendly.

Judge finds mom in contempt of court

A judge finds a mother in contempt of court for failing to encourage a child to see his father.

Questions to ask your Parenting Coordinator

What you need to know before hiring a parenting coordinator.

Should judges, mediators and arbitrators interview children?

Children have the right to be heard in mediation, arbitration and court.

Custody: what does it mean?

Here is a great blog post from Brian Galbraith’s Family Law Blog; well worth following. Are you confused by the different types of custody? You are not alone. Most people find the terms confusing. Many people think joint custody means the children spend equal time with both parents. Actually it means that the parents make decisions together. It has nothing …

To engage or disengage? Parenting coordination and “parallel parenting”

As a PC it is tempting to believe that, if I just try hard enough, I can change the way parents interact when it comes to their children. I’ve tried it often enough.

First, I explain to parents the negative impact of their behaviour on the kids, and work with them to develop a more cooperative way of interacting. I would fall into the trap of thinking that, with all my skill, wisdom and experience, I could get the parents to cooperate with each other.

More people are using parenting coordinators to work out holiday access

As I sit in my car, listening to “White Christmas”, feeling warmth and joy, my mind wanders to those families engaged in intense conflict over who gets the kids for the holidays.

Kirk Makin’s story in the Globe (As Christmas nears, courtrooms fill with parents battling over kids) illustrates well what some families are going through.