Is it a waste of time and money to try mediation if we do not settle?

Is it a waste of time and money to try mediation if we do not settle?

Some separating couples are worried that mediation will just be a waste of time, money and energy.

This is an understandable concern. It is why we meet each party first, in confidence, to assess whether the matter is suitable for mediation. There may be reasons why mediation is premature, like the emotions are too fresh, disclosure is not complete, or parties need more supports before negotiating.

We assess for all of this, and if we recommend that mediation proceed we will adapt our process to address any concerns identified.

In most cases, when we proceed, it is because there is something that can be settled.

The amazing thing we find about mediation is that it almost always moves things forward, even if there is no settlement. I cannot count the number of times a party or lawyer has told me, weeks or months after the mediation, that they were able to settle soon afterwards, because of how helpful the mediation was.

So do not let this worry stand in your way if you are considering family mediation!

About Hilary Linton

Hilary Linton is a senior family lawyer, mediator, parenting coordinator and arbitrator. She founded Riverdale Mediation after litigating family and civil matters for 14 years including as a partner in a Toronto boutique law firm. Riverdale’s team of highly skilled family mediators, parenting coordinators and arbitrators resolve high conflict and challenging disputes. Riverdale is also internationally known for its high calibre online training programs in Family Dispute Resolution.