Family Arbitration Training
Frequently Asked Questions
Why take Family Arbitration Training?
As more people opt for out-of-court dispute resolution, processes such as family arbitration are becoming more popular. Arbitration is a private process of adjudication that results in a binding decision. Arbitrators can significantly impact the lives of their clients. Those providing such services should seek to “do no harm”, and taking quality training that teaches the best current practices is a good way to try to achieve that goal.
As well, Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General requires those providing family arbitration services to meet specific requirements in order for their decisions to be effective. Click here for more information about the Ministry’s requirements.
Which organizations provide professional designations for Family Arbitrators?
In Ontario, there are two certifying organizations for arbitrators:
Why take Family Arbitration training with Riverdale?
Our lead trainers combine active professional practices in mediation, arbitration and parenting coordination with training— enabling them to teach based on their experiences.
Our family arbitration training is provided in collaboration with experienced professionals from the legal and mental health fields— allowing our students to learn from a diverse range of professionals.
Our training is highly rated by our students. It is designed to be compliant with the requirements of the Ministry of the Attorney General as well as the certification requirements of both FDRIO and ADRIO.