Family mediation and arbitration is an unregulated field of practice in Ontario. Although the Ontario Association of Family Mediation (OAFM) and Family Mediation Canada (FMC) have established high standards of practice, it is not necessary to obtain accreditation with either organization in order to offer family mediation services. The same applies to family arbitrators and parenting coordinators. Membership in the …
Category Archives: ADR Training
Training Required for Family Arbitrators & Parenting Coordinators*
Top Ten Questions about Screening for Power Imbalances and Domestic Violence in Mediation and Arbitration
1. What is “Screening”? Screening is a triaging process that has been used by mediators for years to help them provide safe and balanced mediations. The mediator meets separately with each party, before agreeing to take the case, and elicits specific information that will help the mediator “diagnose” their complex relationship dynamic. The main purpose is to ascertain whether bringing …
What exactly is family mediation?
Family mediation is like a stepping stone in a fast-running brook. It usually will get you to the other side safely and dry. But sometimes the stone wobbles and another stone must be tried. MORE
Guest Blog Post: “What Have I Seen You In?”
When you tell someone that you are an actor, their immediate question is: “What have I seen you in?”. There is my usual response to the various commercials, tv, and film roles I’ve done; but what they don’t know is the impact my job as an actor has had in real life with real people. People like the participants doing mediation training with Hilary at Riverdale Mediation. This always …
The Promise of Family Mediation-Arbitration: Is it Real?
The crisis in access to family law justice has led to many great things happening outside of court. Collaborative practice, for example, has grown from disenchantment with the adversarial legal system’s assumption that positional bargaining necessarily protects the interest of parents and their children. Family mediation has become the go-to solution for both the public– seeking to avoid paying lawyers– …
Family Mediation in Cape Town, South Africa
In late September, the Family Mediators’ Association of the Cape (FAMAC) hosted its third bi-annual conference and I was honoured to be a returning international guest speaker. This year I spoke on “Empowering Parents Through Interest-Based Mediation and Facilitative Parenting Coordination”. (Note: all the conference presentations are available on the FAMAC website) The Conference was opened by my wonderful …
The Tenacious Mediator: Ten tips for “Moving the Mediation”
If there are three qualities that distinguish a good mediator from a great one, they are: Dangerous curiosity: great mediators are not afraid to follow their curiosity. This takes high level questioning skills to do effectively. In particular it requires gentle, non- judgmental, open-ended questions. Genuine curiosity is easy but it requires the mediator to completely set aside any preconceived …
Training Police Officers in Belize
GUEST POST By Helen Lightstone and Regina Thompson Our team of elite trainers from Riverdale headed for Belize before the break of dawn on Sunday, July 15, 2018. The Belize Team consisting of Hilary Linton, Lead Trainer, Helen Lightstone and Regina Thompson checked in at Pearson International with a heavy load of training materials. We were soon off to Miami …