Category Archives: Parenting Coordination

Evidence Management Skills for Family Arbitrators and Parenting Coordinators

One reason many clients and their lawyers prefer private family arbitration to court is the flexibility and procedural adaptiveness of family arbitration. Arbitrators have the ability to structure their processes in ways that meet the needs of each set of clients and the issues before them. Parenting coordinators utilize a broad range of procedural strategies to manage conflict in the …

Training Required for Family Arbitrators & Parenting Coordinators*

Family mediation and arbitration is an unregulated field of practice in Ontario. Although the Ontario Association of Family Mediation (OAFM) and Family Mediation Canada (FMC) have established high standards of practice, it is not necessary to obtain accreditation with either organization in order to offer family mediation services. The same applies to family arbitrators and parenting coordinators. Membership in the …

A Good Case for Family Mediators: Justice Sherr in L.B. and P. E.

As family mediators, we work “in the shadow of the law”. Our job is to help parties reach agreements that are better for them than their alternatives… meaning mediators must know what a court would do with a given situation. We also must put the interests of children first, and decline to mediate parenting outcomes that we believe will not …

Enforcement of Agreements and Orders in a Closed PC Process

Walk softly and carry a big stick is a variation on a phrase popularized by US President Theodore Roosevelt in a 1903 speech when he said to the crowd “speak softly and carry a big stick”. In other words, attempt peaceful negotiations while also being prepared for confrontation by displaying one’s power, especially elements of force.  When I think of the …

What is “Custody”? And Why Do Mediators Need to Know?

This week we are teaching our online 30-hour course in Family Law for Family Mediators, Parenting Coordinators and Arbitrators. It is a comprehensive overview and is good training for anyone who wants to know more about family law. We start the course discussing what comes first; changes in law or changes in society? For example, there is a social and …

The Efficacy Of Parenting Coordination

A PC seeks to protect and sustain safe, healthy and meaningful parent-child relationships. Parenting coordination is to help co-parents who are unable or unwilling to jointly make parenting decisions comply with parenting agreements and orders. MORE

Family Mediation in Cape Town, South Africa

In late September, the Family Mediators’ Association of the Cape (FAMAC) hosted its third bi-annual conference and I was honoured to be a returning international guest speaker. This year I spoke on “Empowering Parents Through Interest-Based Mediation and Facilitative Parenting Coordination”.   (Note: all the conference presentations are available on the FAMAC website) The Conference was opened by my wonderful …

The (Unique) Perils of The PC Process

The parenting coordination process is a difficult one for both clients and PCs. Invariably there is one parent who is more committed; or is driving the process. In addition, once the arbitration phase of the process has been utilized, the losing parent usually disengages altogether. Throw in the fact that many parents have not been fully educated on the process …