Over the past year we have had the privilege of working with a group of family dispute resolution professionals in PEI who are pioneering parenting coordination there. Parenting coordination (PC) is an innovative mediation, coaching, educative and decision-making process that offers high-conflict parents a way to resolve disagreements about their children without going before a judge. It is usually a …
Category Archives: Parenting Coordination
Training Parenting Coordinators and Dispute Resolution Professionals in PEI
UK Parenting Coordination (PC) Roadshows
It was back in 2016 that London England based Family Law in Partnership (FLiP) founder Gillian Bishop first joined us in Toronto for the Riverdale Mediation PC trainings. She and fellow FLiP colleague Felicity Shedden had recognized the benefits that PC can provide to high conflict separated co-parents, and held the belief that while PC was foreign to the UK, …
Risks of Lawyers Screening their own Clients under the Arbitration Act Reg.
Family lawyers who screen their own clients for power imbalances and family violence under the Ontario Arbirtation Act Reg. face certain risks. MORE
Coach your Client to be a Better Negotiator: Tips for Negotiating Effectively
ADR professionals are, by definition, skilled negotiators. What attitudes, skills, and strategies do we already have to help coach our clients to achieve the best possible outcomes? 10 Coaching Tips for Clients 1. Our clients all come to us from a place of fear. They fear loss: of what they want or need, of a relationship, of control, or of …
Children’s Interviews in the Parenting Coordination Process
Though parents are ultimately the decision makers, and the children do not have the same decision-making authority, parents decisions can be informed by the children’s wishes. originally posted July 2015 ________________ Interviewing children in the parenting coordination process is often a great way of gaining information. This can be invaluable when working with parents that present with very different opinions …
Recognizing Moments of Successful Co-parenting
Providing hope and a realistic vision is as important as developing a roadmap for parents that they can follow towards achieving their final destination. originally published August 15 2015 Like any intervention Parenting Coordination ultimately seeks to create change. In this case it is change in the toxic co-parental dynamic. As such, the end goal of the Parenting Coordination process is …
Explore Your Options in Dispute Resolution
With so many options, how does one choose the best dispute resolution process? This blog series will attempt to identify and define as many of the options as possible. This week’s focus will be on the Do-it-Yourself option. The “SRL” (self-represented litigant) movement has grown in the past years, largely due to the growing sense that the legal system, and …
Transforming Family Law: Legal Education and Transgender Parents
FDRIO’s recent Unconference on May 4th introduced legal professionals to the perspective of LGBTQ+ parents in family law. Guest speakers touched on struggles faced by LGBTQ+ families in family law, including; fertility and what that means for coordinating parent access, child custody and parent decision making. With transgender parents, one or both parents might not be biologically connected to the child. …