Category Archives: Family Arbitration

It’s brilliant: Family Dispute Resolution in the UK

I just attended the annual Dispute Resolution conference sponsored by Britain’s legal family DR organization, Resolution.

Screening: Best Practices in Family Med-Arb

Screening is important in any family dispute resolution process to ensure that the parties, counsel, and dispute resolution professionals can engage in the process fully and safely. In family med-arb, there are particular concerns for the integrity of the screening process, because if the parties proceed to arbitration, they are “locked in” and cannot voluntarily opt out of the process. …

United Kingdom: Family mediation-arbitration

This advanced workshop in the UK will focus on challenges facing family mediator-arbitrators in both Canada and the UK. MORE

Upcoming Course: Arbitration Law for Parenting Coordinators

Parenting Coordination (PC) is one of the most daunting fields in family law. It is also one of the fastest growing. In Ontario, PC practice operates in a bit of a void as there is no legislation governing the practice and no Ontario-based standards of practice. Other than minimal direction in the Arbitration Act and the Family Law Act, those …

Ruminations from Across the Pond: Felicity Shedden on “Are we ready for Med-Arb?”

In February of this year, Riverdale Mediation was happy to welcome UK family lawyer Felicity Shedden as a guest in our practice. For a week, Felicity sat in on mediations and arbitrations, getting a feel for the ADR climate in Toronto. Felicity has now authored a compelling article on her time in Toronto for The Review, a UK-based dispute resolution …

Why is family court so expensive?

An experienced family lawyer, mediator, arbitrator- and passionate advocate for family law reform– explains why family court is so expensive. MORE

Working with Unrepresented Parties in Family Law

Tips for family lawyers negotiating with parties who do not have counsel. MORE

What is Family Law Dispute Resolution?

What are the key features of all family law dispute resolution options? How do I choose? MORE