Category Archives: Family Mediation

Legal Duties of Family Mediators – With a Stiff Penalty for Non-Compliance

This week we are teaching a 30-hour course in family law for Ontario mediators. Although one only scratches the surface of family law in such a short time, we manage to cover a lot of ground. Mediation in Ontario is an unregulated field. Although there are outstanding professional organizations for mediators to join—four in Ontario alone—membership in such an organization …

What is mediation?: rantings from a family mediator

I was recently told by a client that her lawyer discouraged her from trying mediation, claiming it is too “touchy-feely”. This rant is for that lawyer. MORE

Self represented litigants: Mediation: Is there hope?

The National Self Represented Litigants Project just published an “Open Letter to the Canadian Judiciary”. It is a thoughtful and important read. The self-representing writers plead for greater understanding of their plight, and for more tolerance, compassion and assistance. This letter serves as a reminder that there are some under-utilized services to help those who cannot afford lawyers. Anyone in …