My lawyer has suggested a mediator: what should I do?

I often get calls from people who want to know whether the mediator being recommended by their lawyer is a good one.

Mediation begins with the choice of mediator. The way the mediator is chosen will model the approach that the parties, their lawyers and the mediator himself or herself will take to the entire process.

Mediators come in all forms. It is therefore important that the clients choose the mediator they feel will work best with them.

Lawyers like to work with mediators they trust and know to be effective. As well, lawyers will generally recommend the mediator whose personality and style they believe will best meet their client’s needs.

Clients should get the names of the mediator/s their lawyers are suggesting, and check them out. Visit their websites; call them and ask for a few minutes of their time. Ask around to see if anyone you know has anything good or bad to say about them. Do a google search to see if they have been in the news.

The more a client is involved in the choice of the mediator, the more confidence the client is likely to have in the choice made. And this will lead to a more successful process, with a better chance of settlement.