Mediation is an intimidating concept for most people— because for most of them it is a new experience. But the process is in reality not at all frightening if you know what to expect.
The best advice we have for anyone starting mediation is to be well prepared.
And the best preparation is to research and understand two things:
1– what do you really want and need to get out of the mediation, and
2–what will you do if you do not reach an agreement in mediation?
Spend time thinking hard about what is really important to you– and also to the other person in the mediation.
And think about your options. What will you do if you do not get what you want? Will you go to court? Will you do nothing? What will the other person do?
And how will you feel if you must pursue those options? What will your other options cost?
This kind of thoughtful planning will help you be prepared to negotiate well in mediation. For more information on preparing for mediation, click here.