Lindsay Kertland



Services Provided:  Parenting Coordination, Family Arbitration Screening, and Child Interviews and Reports


Lindsay Kertland is a parenting coordinator who enjoys helping resolve high conflict situations with parents. She knows that children are harmed when their parents exhibit tension about parenting disagreements.

Fluent in French and English, Lindsay’s focus is to help parents develop improved strategies for effective communication and conflict resolution. She encourages parents to exchange proposals with each other before engaging her, an approach that helps parents keep costs down.

As the lead trainer for the Riverdale Mediation course in Screening for Power Imbalances, Lindsay is highly attuned to the concerns each parent brings into the room in the parenting coordination process. She works closely with parents to ensure the process is useful and effective.

Lindsay has extensive experience as a mediator working with high-conflict disputes in the court system, offering her services as an onsite mediator in Toronto’s three family courts. She also offers her mediation services privately via her firm Summerhill Family Mediation. With this experience, she is able to settle most of the disputes that her parenting coordination clients have.

Lindsay holds an LL.M. from the University of London, UK., a law degree from the University of Leeds. UK, and a JCA in law from McGill University. She was called to the Ontario bar in 1997.


Meet with Lindsay

Check Lindsay's calendar to find a time that works for you or you and your lawyer.

Lindsay was great at helping to calm my anxiety and gave me ample time to think as well as breaks as needed. She is very kind, compassionate and well-mannered.

— Client testimonial